Prague to Tabor

This was a long day in the saddle. We rode 81 miles and climbed 6109ft. The trails were extremely diverse, everything from cobble stones to dirt to crushed cement. But we had an amazing time on all of them. We ate lunch at the side of the road and were completely exhausted. We lay down under a tree and rested for a while before continuing on. We traveled through fields of wheat and wild flowers to quaint bucolic villages with lovely people. The villages were clean and well tended, it seemed every village had a small church a village square and a May Pole. Towards the end of the day when we were tired and dragging a little. As we were traveling through a small village and older man stepped out of his house. As soon as he saw us he started cheering and waving his arms. It was like we were on the Tour de France and he was cheering us on. It did lift our energy and we picked up the pace and with renewed energy continued onto Tabor. We arrived into Tabor around 8pm and stayed at a lovely hotel in an utterly charming town square. We ate at a restaurant on the town square and it was one of the best meals we ever had. It could be the food was fabulous or that we had just been in the saddle all day or a combination of both. Whatever the reason we had a delicious meal in a beautiful setting. We went back to our room and took full advantage of the large soaking tub in our room.

At least a dozen different surface types

This was a pretty incredible day. You may want to break it into two days, but we were naive having never ridden with luggage and thought “how much tougher could it be?” This was a pretty incredible day. You may want to break it into two days, but we were naive having never ridden with luggage and thought “how much tougher could it be?”
This was a pretty incredible day. You may want to break it into two days, but we were naive having never ridden with luggage and thought “how much tougher could it be?”
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking