Latisana to Tarvisio

Latisana to Tarvisio

October 1, 2021

Latisana to Tarvisio

Great night sleep.

Amazing breakfast with cereal w/ soy milk complote cherries, tomatoes, hard boiled eggs fruit, pear and apple juice.

Rode into town to Cath the train. 

Ian bought the tickets and we relized we had four minutes to catch our train. A very helpful showed us a ramp to get to the correct platform as we were about to attempt the stairs.

The train arrived and we did not seee the bike car so we just jumped on the last car throwing the bags on  and dragging the bikes up steep stairs jumped on with the final bags just as the whistle blew and the doors closed.

Once we were on the train we realized we were blocking the path with the bikes so Ian raise the bike on one wheel and locked the bikes down the isle to the handicapped spot.

We arrived in Tarvisio and checked into a beautiful hotel that looks like a Bavarian Chalet. We have a small apartment with kitchen and living room.

Found a laundry mat where we gave our laundry to a lady who washed and drdiyed and folded it and charged us 15.20L which was all of the Asch we had.

feels good to have the laundry done.

While we were waiting for the laundry we rode our bikes around town admiring the stunning mountains.

Tried to find gelatin without success.

Picked up the laundry and came back to the room to organize our packs again.

Ate dinner at the hotel returned. Restaurant is a beautiful barrel vaulted room. 

Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world.Grant Petersen
Ian & Grace
Enjoy the ride

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