Milan to Ramano di Lombardia

Milan to Ramano di Lombardia

September 21, 2021

Milan to Ramano di Lombardia

Woke early to see the Last Super.

It was really beautiful and we had 15 minutes in the room with ta few people,.

Went back to the room and rested and packed.

Ian carried the bike downstairs and we rode over for one more visit to the gelato place for more pistachio gelato.

Stopped at an Aldis an dpicked up rolls and meat for lunch.

Rod through the Italian countryside through parks and along a canal for most of the day.

There were few moments when we were on muddy road with puddles.

Most of the day were were unreally nice bike paths.

We stopped at a village to see a church.

The church was beautiful with painted ceilings and walls in a pale blue.

There wer also four very large sliver bust of bishops (?)

Stopped a t a nice park and ate lunch hon a bench.

At one point in leaving Milan the bike path was crowded with a van and a pbikje sticking out in the path and a parked cotter. When I went by I hit the moped with one of my panniers. I think it is ok but I just keep riding .

At one point alone the canal we saw a crane and stopped to watch it with an Italian couple. We spoke with them for a few minutes even though they spoke no English.

Stopped at LIdles to buy a bottle of water and a few bananas.

We rode through corn fields to the place we are spending the night.

As a kid I had a dream — I wanted to own my own bicycle. When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. I lived for that bike. Most kids left their bike in the backyard at night. Not me. I insisted on taking mine indoors and the first night I even kept it in my bed.John Lenon
Ian & Grace
Enjoy the ride

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