Bratislava to Győr

The ride from the hospital to Gyor was interesting because Ian only could use one leg. Using the clip on his pedal he pedal one legged through fields of poppies and along country roads and through fields of giant wind turbines. It began raining through the last part of the journey so we changed into rain jackets, wrapped a plastic bag around Ian’s bandages and held them on with velcro straps and just kept riding until we got to the train station. We grabbed some food out of a vending machine as we had only had marzipan and a bag of chips all day and were very hungry. Once on the train we changed out of rain gear and wet clothes and enjoyed the great warm, dry train ride to Gyor. On the way the train stopped at the border of Hungry and the staff on the train changed from Austrian staff to Hungarian staff. We checked into an Ibis hotel where they stored our bikes in the luggage area. We did not shower but hung our clothes to dry and then went on the search for food. We found a doner shop that was still open and had a delicious meal then went back to our room and slept very well.

Riding With One Leg

Being able to clip helped Ian ride with one leg through the beautiful countryside and rain to the next train station.

It would have been easier to stick to the plan

Realizing we had to change train stations, not just trains a very helpful family helped us find our way through the city to the other train station.

Velcro straps ...don't leave home without them. Ian & Grace
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking