De Panne to Canterbury

We got an early start to be sure we did not miss our ferry. After riding along the coast and crossing into France we then went through the back roads of the harbor passing through industrial areas and many parked semi-trucks finally arriving at the ferry ticket office where we purchased our tickets and went through customs. 

We lined up in the lane for motorcycles and were the first to board the ferry. The inside of the ferry was huge and empty. We were told to park the in a bike rack and given ropes to tie the bikes down and also told we needed to be the first ones down when we landed or we would be the last people off of the boat. We then went upstairs and had a huge English lunch, which included pudding. It was lovely to lounge in the boat and marvelous to see the White Cliffs of Dover come into view. 

As soon as we knew we would be landing we hurried to the elevators which were packed with truck drivers hoping to be the first down to their trucks. So we ran down the stairs to the hull which was now packed with semi truck with very narrow paths between them. After untying our bikes and loading our gear we wove our bikes through the semi trucks as they were all starting their engines. It was a little harrowing but we did make it to the front of the trucks and were allowed to be first off of the boat.

We were told to stay on the red line. The red line lead us off of the boat and through the docks until we came to a locked gate with a door bell. We rang the bell and waited but nothing happened. Just then some dock workers were walking by so we asked what we should do and they told us to stay on the red line. So we rang the bell again and very slowly the gate creaked open and we went through and continued to follow the red line as the gate creaked closed behind us.

We road through the narrow roads of the English countryside lined with hedgerows with makes it very difficult to see any oncoming traffic. This plus riding on the wrong side of the road made our first few hours in England a little stressful. But we did make it to Canterbury and checked into our hotel.

Taking Bikes on Ferries

The staff was very helpful in showing us how to get on and off of the boat with our bikes. But realize this empty hull will be full of semi trucks when you try to get off of the ferry.

We were told to park the in a bike rack
and given ropes to tie the bikes down. Ian & Grace
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking