Esztergom to Budapest

The next morning George, the owner of the hotel, fed us a delicious breakfast. Then we rode our bikes up to the Basilica. I went in while Ian watch the bikes. I explored the Basilica and climbed to the top of the dome and then up to the bell tower. The Basilica itself is huge and grand the carved marble in the Renaissance chapel is beautiful and of course the painting over the alter is large, the largest in Europe. I then watch the bikes while Ian explored the Basilica. After exploring the Basilica we took a train to Budapest. The train ride was pleasant and it gave Ian more time to rest his knee and let the stitches heal. Once we arrived Budapest we rode our bikes around the Parliament Building and over the chain bridge to our hotel. Our room in the bed and breakfast is magnificent. We have a balcony that overlooks the Danube onto the Parliament Building. We figured out the transportation system and rode the bus down to the market. It was just closing up but the area was huge and teaming with produce, meat and all kinds of goodies. We did not find anything ready to eat so we roamed around Pest through alley ways and down boulevards. Just as it started to rain we ducked in to a soup and sandwich shop and had a cup of delicious coconut potato soup. The rain slowed down and we found a burger place and at e wonderful meal. We then wandered around some more. The city is magical like a fairy tale come to life. We stopped by a supermarket and got some cookies and juice and sat on our balcony and watched the sun set on the Parliament Building.

Holocaust Memorial

Budapest is steeped in Jewish history with many sites to visit.

If I can bicycle, I bicycle. - Sir David Attenborough
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking