Linz to Melk

The next morning we explored the Linz cathedral which was impressive just by the sheer size. Then began our trail down the Danube. The trail along the Danube is the perfect bike path. It is wide and perfectly paved and well traveled. We were delighted to see so many older riders, mostly on e-bikes. The scenery along the river is stunning. At one point along the path I had a flat tire so we stopped to repair it. A couple a little older than us stopped and offered to help. We thanked them and explained that we were fine, but the gentleman insisted on helping us fix the flat tire. ?? Ian tell the flat tire story. As we rode down the beautiful bike path with castle views and charming vistas around every corner we found a cafe where we stopped and had a cold drink, there were also places to refill your water and even a few charging stations for e-bikes. Towards the end of the day we could see a large building on a hill and we wondered if it was the Melk Abbey but according to the map it was still too far away so we must be seeing another abbey. But as we got closer we realized it was the Melk Abbey it was huge, far larger than any of the castles and churches we had seen along the Danube so far. We rode our bikes through the town of Melk and found our room. They had a place to lock and store the bikes back behind their hotel. So we locked the bikes showered changed and found a wonderful restaurant for dinner.


The town of Melk is charming with many restaurants and cafes to grab something delicious to eat. The Melk Abbey is well worth a stop.

As we rode down the beautiful bike path with castle views and charming vistas around every corner we found a cafe where we stopped and had a cold drink, there were also places to refill your water and even a few charging stations for e-bikes. - Ian and Grace
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking