Tain to Dunbeath

Riding today we cam across the Dun Robin Castle. The estate was sprawling and lovely as we rode through a large section of the estate. We stopped near the coast at a cairn to talk some pictures and Ian spoke to a man using a drone to fly above the cairn. We rode through fields along he coast all filled with sheep and more sheep. We climbed massive hills. At one point they were doing road work to we had to stop and ring a bell to let them know bikes need to go up the hill. The hill was huge and it took us some time to climb but the workers on the road were very nice and encouraging. We rode by some harvested tree farms and lovely countryside with field of heather and hedges of gorse. We stopped at a Spar to pick up dinner as we knew it was most likely the last place to get food for sometime. We rode to a lovely warm house with a hedge in the shape of a heart on the outside of the house. The bikes were stored in the barn next tot he mower and a wonderful older woman showed us to our room. Her daughter usually runs the Air BnB but as it was the end of the season and they did not think they would have anymore guest she went to France and left her mother in charge. Mother was extremely kind and thoughtful. She and her husband were still working the farm keeping a very unusual type of sheep. They had a very large and oddly shaped head but apparently the French love the meat from these sheep. The weather today was glorious clear blue skies with the temperature 55-60 degrees. 


A Lot of Climbing Today

What a slog. 

Lot’s of climbing today. It was tough on Grace but she did exceptionally well. We stopped when we were tired, because that’s what we do. If the grades get over 5.5 you start to feel them, and when they consistently are grade 7-9 the bikes and luggage really pull you down, Double digits are very tough. That said, I’m very proud of Grace. She did the whole 50+ miles and 3500ft with a great attitude. We’re doing this! 

Beautiful scenery. Unexpectedly, felt like we were along the California coast line part of the day. 




Towns (small ones)

Rainbow – spectacular. 

Farm, difficult to find address with Google maps, Apple maps found it right away. Sometimes the technology isn’t as dependable as you want. The Wahoo said we arrived well before we did. Maybe the Komoot map was off. We are staying at Tomore Farm. The daughter who usually runs it is on holiday in France. 

So many different climates and environs. Simply and amazing and arguably the most strenuous day we’ve had. We arrived before 4:00. 


If the grades get over 5.5 you start to feel them, and when they consistently re grade 7-9 the bikes and luggage really pull you down, Double digits are very tough. - Ian
Grace & Ian
Gone Biking