Rovinj to Pula

Rovinj to Pula

October 11, 2021

Rovinj to Pula

Left Roving on a search for breakfast.

No markets

Lots of gravel roads today

Beautiful sea views

Wooded areas.

Lots of rocks and gravel

Still no market but we found a grill that made us grilled chicken and fries with the pepper/pimento sauce on the side. It was delicious.

Made or way to Pula – lots of old bike paths.

Nice air bob

Bikes are parked in the hall downstairs.

Once we got to the apartment we showered and then went out to see Pula.

Walked to the Coliseum beautiful and pillars were huge.

Walked down to the cathedral but it was closed.

Walked to see the mosaic floor tiles int eh parking lot. They were amazingly complete.

Walked to the Arch. The sunset was beautiful behind it.

Mjrmuration of birds

Stopped and bought a new toothbursh for Ian.

Stopped at ta grocery store and picked up eggs for dinner to night and breakfast for tomorrow.

Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There’s something wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym.Bill Nye
Ian & Grace
Enjoy the ride

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