Verona to Vicenza

Verona to Vicenza

September 25, 2021

Verona to Vicenza

Woke early and had a nice breakfast of eggs sausage and toast.

Rode off toward Vincenza

Beautiful countryside with vineyards and field of corn and other crops.

Met two German couples riding from Verona to Vicenza on seperate timeds during the day.

At one point we found a bridge we were suppose to crosss was gone. So we backtracked and found a way around.

We stopped at a very nice restaurant and I had pad Thai and Ian had filet melon. Appetizer of smoked salmon with green apple, citrus and almonds.

Rode on really great bike paths today mostly Il2 or E7.

Stopped at a market to pick up some water and klenix.

Stopped for Chinese for dinner which was fantastic.

Arrived at Air BNB. We parked the bikes in the backyard.

On a bicycle, you’re free to pedal at your own pace. You can mosey along or catch a nice breeze. It’s pure freedom.Anon
Ian & Grace
Enjoy the ride

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